School Board Comments: January 2013

I want to start by finishing the month of school board appreciation by throwing in my 2 halfpennies or cents as you say in recognition of the work you tirelessly do for the schools, parents, children and teachers in our district. A big thank you and good luck with the search for a new board member. When you look at what makes Issaquah so special it is how we all have a common mission to give our students the best education possible in the current educational climate. This week has been one to focus on the advocacy role we play on behalf of our children.

Tonight our work-study session with your good selves ~ thank you for the time to talk together.

Last night as Issaquah Council co-sponsored with LEV the Ross Hunter and Steve Litzow Education Roadshow as we continue to educate ourselves and search for a solution for our children on how to fund a basic education.

Tomorrow we will round of the week with our PTA Focus Day in Olympia and hope to see Chad in his new working arena as he does battle for education. I will be there with my sign ~ represent…

I’m personally sad to see the resignation of Dr Rasmussen as he was the first superintendent I knew as a newbie to this district from my own little corner of Lake Wobegon, Wisconsin. I remember him sharing his first impressions of Issaquah as a place where the women are strong, the men are good looking, and the children are above average intelligence. It is still true today ~ Enjoy what life has in store for you next ☺

As we are half way through the year I wanted to circle back to our goals and share the progress we are making. We consistently stick to the first principles of PTA to advocate for our children ~ to be the voice of our children in schools whatever that may look like. To be given the opportunity to give our membership a chance to have a conversation about homework, to give thoughts on transition from school to post 12th grade education experiences, the possibility of a similar comment from middle to high school are all important opportunities to advocate. Our membership is teetering around 85% so we have a way to go to hit 90% a lofty goal but one worth pursuing. And after February midyear conference we expect all units to be fully trained. We currently have 16 units trained and the others are missing only a few elected officers.

As we look at our theme for the year of Inspire Connect Engage

We have these in our minds as we…

Inspire our children to do great things with such wonderful example of art displayed at the Reflections reception and hope as leaders to inspire others to continue on the work of those who move on.

Connect with groups in Issaquah such as the Issaquah Schools Foundation and the school district to make the best schools possible.

Engage members to stand up for students ~ as a group we are much stronger together as we strive for the best schools and the best for all our kids.