Lunch for the Break, Mid-Winter Edition

Lunch for the Break is working to make sure all Issaquah School District students have enough to eat, even when students are out of school over a long break.   LFTB provides a week’s worth of free grocery items for each student in the family that can be used to make breakfast, lunch and snacks.

Donors: drop-off is Wednesday, February 12 at each of our three partner sites. Register as a LFTB donor and let us know how many boxes you can help provide.  Download our UPDATED LFTB shopping list and visit your favorite grocery store to purchase the complete shopping list for each box. 

Pressed for time? Skip the shopping and box packing and please consider ordering boxes directly through our partner agency, Supply All Kids – they will pack and deliver all LFTB food right to our distribution sites!

You can also make a financial contribution to Lunch for the Break to help cover the cost of fresh produce and bread

Clients/Families: Family pick up is Thursday, February 13 at each of our three partner sites.  Register online to come shop for Lunch for the Break food at any of our partner locations. Registration is important as it helps us have the right amount of food available at each site.