February 2015 – Presidents To Do

President’s To Do List:

Membership for 2015-2016 – After a very lively conversation about the changes in upcoming membership process for PTA next year,  we wanted to give you the chance to share your thoughts and feedback with Caroline (and she will share with the state), you can send your comments to ptamembdir@wastatepta.org. If you don’t speak up now, your concerns can not be addressed before the new system goes into play.

Nominating Committees should be off and running.  If your committee has questions, or needs assistance please don’t hesitate to ask at president@issaquahptsa.org another helpful link is http://www.wastatepta.org/leadership/leadership_packet/packet_index.html

The Council Nominating Committee is up and running if you have someone you would like nominate, you can send your nominations to Becky Gorden, Betsy Cohen or Karen Manning.

You will want to have your officers elected in March, so your new officers can get registered to attend PTA Convention April 17th-19th.

Local Unit Awards – Golden Acorn, Outstanding Educator, Lifetime Membership and Outstanding Advocate.  Your local presentation of awards should be complete before March 31st

To Do List for Golden Acorn and Outstanding Educator

There are lots of upcoming events that are open to everyone throughout the District, to find events to advertise at your school, check out the Council Calendar at http://www.issaquahptsa.org/category/news/calendar

  • Some of the events that were highlighted at our last meeting: upcoming glass fusion training, Sleep and Teens, Emergency prep event, Health and Wellness
  • Parent Ed opportunities in the area with some well-known speakers http://miparentedge.org/

If you have upcoming events, especially parent ed events, please be sure and send the information to Cindy Kelm at webmaster@issaquahptsa.org.

VIS – help —- There is going to be a bond measure coming on the ballot earlier than expected and your help is needed. 

  • Looking for people that will serve on the VIS committee that are retired, local business owners/operators, or just getting ready to enter the school system — Do you know someone that fits this category and believes in a strong school system, please let Ann Moore or Suzanne know or you can contact Alicia Veevaert vp-middle@issaquahptsa.org or Dawn Peschek at reflections@issaquahptsa.org.
  • If you would like to volunteer with the VIS, please let one of the above volunteers know.
  • Also budget reminder, don’t forget to add VIS line to your upcoming budget for the 2015-2016 school year.

Standards of Excellence or Other Local Unit awards are due March 1st.

  • It is a local units choice on whether to participate or not
  • If you choose not to participate you still need to go through the process of checking in on how you are doing in regards to proper/legal procedures, the checklist that you need to go thorough for this is the second attachment in this email
  • It is very important to take the time (10-20 minutes) to go through the information at your next board meeting and make sure your LU’s affairs are in order

Independent Contractors vs Casual Employees:  Laila did a great job of summarizing this at our last General Membership meeting.  Her handout can be found on the Council Website.  You can also direct questions to Kim Allie alliek@issaquah.wednet.edu or Ruby Perez perezr@issaquah.wednet.edu at the district office.

The first meeting to set up Safety and Security Procedures is February 26th, 12-2, at the Issaquah Library meeting room.  Anybody who would like to take part is welcome.

Local Units and Grants – we are setting up a session to meet with the Issaquah Schools Foundation to better a line the grants of the local PTA’s and ISF.  If you know the grant process at your school and would like to be a part of this, please email Deb Smith at debsmith1615@outlook.com.  We will likely meet in late March.

If you are looking to do a survey for your local unit, Cindy Kelm is glad to help you get started and send out your survey.  She can be reached at webmaster@issaquahptsa.org.