Questions for Parents

Homework guiding questions

The Issaquah School District’s policy states:

Homework, as an extension of the classroom, must be planned and organized; must be purposeful to the students; and must be evaluated and returned to students in a timely manner.  Homework may be assigned for one or more of the following purposes: 

    • Practice – to help students to master specific skills which have been presented in class;
    • Preparation – to help students gain the maximum benefits from future lessons;
    • Extension – to provide students with opportunities to transfer specific skills or concepts to new situations; and
    • Creativity – to require students to integrate many skills and concepts in order to produce original responses.

The purposes of homework assignments, the basis for evaluating the work performed and the guidelines and/or rules should be made clear to the student at the time of the assignment.

With that foundation:

  • Do you believe this policy is in practice in our classrooms?
  • When is homework a valuable learning tool? When is it not?
  • Do you believe that currently the amount of homework your child receives is appropriate?
  • What weight should homework be given in a student’s overall grade?