Advocacy Rep Job Description
PTA is fundamentally about advocating for our kids, whether we’re advocating to a teacher, at the school level, at the district level, or statewide. If you have an interest in helping improve our education system at whatever level, PTA is a great vehicle for you to get involved. Here are the typical activities of a PTSA Advocacy Rep:
  1. Speak at every PTSA meeting for 2-5 minutes about what’s going on in the legislative and advocacy world in our district and in Washington State. Your Council reps will give you proposed messages each month, as well as blurbs for your monthly PTSA newsletter, but you are also free to talk about other advocacy issues that you think will be of interest to your local unit.
  2. Attend Legislative Assembly in October (you need not be there the entire time; talk to us about it if you have any questions), and recruit other people to join you.
  3. Attend Focus Day in Olympia and recruit people to join you. This is a FUN outing — we typically hire a bus and get you back in time to pick up the kids at the end of the school day!
  4. Maintain an e-mail list of people willing to send e-mails to legislators during the legislative session urging them to pass legislation that will help our kids. Sending the legislative e-mails has never been easier — State PTA has set it up so that once you’ve entered your address (so that your e-mail will be sent to the right senators and representatives), you literally click a button or two. This is a simple process that makes a huge difference for education in our state.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Council Advocacy Rep Dea Barnett

Volunteers for Issaquah Schools (VIS) Rep Job description (updated 10/2015) 

School bonds specifically provide funding for construction, renovating and building new schools, property acquisition, repairing facilities and systems within the building to ensure students learn in safe, secure and modern classrooms. On April 26, 2016 the Isssaquah School District will put before voters a bond package to build new schools in our district as well as renovate/upgrade some of our existing schools. (Take a look at the bond package details here:
Here is your chance to help support the ultimate fundraiser for our school district! 
Your PTSA president will schedule a presentation on the upcoming Bond (by ISD reps) at the earliest PTA membership meeting possible (probably January 2016), and vote on whether that PTA/PTSA will endorse the bond. Once a PTSA has endorsed the bond, we will ask VIS Reps to do four easy things: 
1. Come to the Issaquah Community kickoff party in January. Superintendent Ron Thiele and ISD personnel will share facts about the proposed bond package and what it could fund for our district. Network with other VIS reps and community leaders as we plan to support this effort.
2. VIS reps pass information from the Council VIS reps to your PTA/PTSA’s membership. This information can be put on your PTA/PTSA website, or sent out via Enews. This information will include things like sharing Facts sheets about Bond from ISD and VIS and encouraging people to endorse the bond online. School bond elections require a “supermajority” (60%) voter approval to pass – so your help getting the word out to vote is very important!
3. Help mail out PTA/PTSA support postcards in March (VIS will give you the postcards & labels, so all you have to do is help put the address labels on the labels, and then deliver the cards to the post office). 
4. Help recruit people for two “honk-and-waves” in April.  
5. Answer questions in your school community about the bond package and direct people to the ISD or VIS website for information.
As you can see, it is not a lot of work, and you have the support of the VIS organization to make things as simple as possible for you. We look forward to working with you! 

ISF Rep Job Description
Your Main Role
Is to make sure your school receives the Issaquah Schools Foundation communications about what is going on within the Foundation. This information should be delivered at Your School’s PTA Board meetings, General Membership meetings and communications.
Effective ways to fulfill your role include:
  1. Attend PTSA-ISF orientation.
  2. Give updates at PTSA Board and General Membership Meetings.
  3. Submit ISF messaging and monthly newsletter articles (provided to you) in PTSA and school communications.
  4. Fully understand and be able to speak effectively about the respective missions of your PTSA and the Foundation.
  5. Have a full understanding of past and present investments made by ISF taking at your buildings as well as District-wide investments that impact your school.
You are encouraged to continue your participation, by being involved in the following ISF events. If you can’t assist in the events below, be sure to communicate this to Council ISF Liaison so these events will be covered.
Job Time-Line:
September-November: All in for Kids Campaign:
  1. Attend Kick-off meeting to learn about the campaign.
  2. Make sure that all communications about All in for Kids are disseminated through all channels.
  3. Coordinate recruiting volunteers for All in for Kids calling nights, honk and waves, and posting of signs as needed.
November – April: Grant Season.
Distribute information to teachers and staff regarding Issaquah Schools Foundation Grant opportunities and results. Work with your principal to coordinate a staff meeting appearance in the November time frame to talk about ISF and PTSA grant opportunities. Participate in or help recruit volunteers for Balloon Brigade.
March – May: Nourish Every Mind Luncheon
  1. Support recruitment of Table Captains at your school to host a table, and work with your school community to promote attendance.
  2. Make sure all communications about the Luncheon are disseminated through all channels.